Walter Mosley

Walter Mosley is our 2024 Literary Arts Series speaker. The event will be held on campus Tuesday, March 26, 2024, 1:30-3:00 p.m. in A-104, Pitkin Education Center. A book signing will be from 3:00-3:30. All are welcome.
Mosley has written more than 60 books categorized as mystery, crime, science fiction, literary fiction, political, young adult, nonfiction, instructional, graphic novels, and erotica. He also won a 2001 Grammy for his contributions to Richard Pryor’s And It’s Deep Too. Mosley has also been executive producer and writer for the TV series Snowfall . His screenplay was the basis for Devil in a Blue Dress with Denzel Washington playing Easy Rawlins, adapted from his original best-selling mystery.
His honors include the 2020 National Book Foundation Medal for Distinguished Contribution to American Letters, the Mystery Writers of America’s Grand Master Award, the New York State Writers Hall of Fame, and lifetime achievement awards from both PEN America and the Los Angeles Times Festival of Books. His short stories and op-ed essays have appeared in the New York Times, the Los Angeles Times, The New Yorker, GQ, Esquire, Playboy and The Nation.
Mosley Brilliantly Depicted Black English — and Black Thought“Mosley is indeed one of literature’s most accurate and
savory recorders of Black English, rendering casual speech as art. His
precise dialogue illustrates how Black English forms can vary from
sentence to sentence….I’ll now be reading all of Mosley’s novels. And
maybe even giving them out to people. In any case, I’ve been rewarded
for letting go of my intransigence, perhaps a microcosmic version of
Socrates trying to let go of his guilt and pain, and I would hope that
the Library of America will soon get around to canonizing Mosley with
his own collection. In the meantime, though, as Socrates says in salute
at the story’s end: “I guess we bettah be gettin’ back to the
Mosley’s New York: Classes Divided, Races at War“But Mosley’s labyrinth leads Joe to a delightful
variety of artfully drawn settings. One minute, he’s outwitting
oligarchs in the Obsidian Club, a gleaming Midtown billionaires’ lounge;
the next, he’s bantering with a sex worker in hardscrabble Brownsville,
“a place where children learn lessons that they spend the rest of their
lives trying to forget. All this is classic Mosley, a master of the
hard-boiled style that Raymond Chandler and Dashiell Hammett pioneered
in the 1930s. The byzantine plot, the suave private eye, all the uncanny
similes; it’s a cocktail that skilled authors will serve as long as
bartenders are still pouring Negronis.”
Mosley in The Paris Review: The Art of Fiction | PDF “Mosley, sixty-five, was raised in Watts, a blue-collar
neighborhood in Los Angeles. His mother, a Jew from New York, and his
father, an African American from New Iberia, Louisiana, worked in the
same school district, as a clerk and a janitor, respectively.”
Mosley Thinks America Is Getting Dumber “But what are the problems that we face when you start
dealing with capitalism, existentialism, when you start living with
sexism? How do we deal with these things? With identity politics? You
have to tell stories about real people experiencing it and not real
people with a Ph.D. People who are not stupid but ignorant, who don’t
know things about the world. So then they’re trying to figure out what’s
right and wrong according to what they do know.”
“My grandfather on my mother’s side, Harry Slatkin, was
a Jew from Russia — or the satellites of Russia. He came to America, I
think, in 1905. He was a doctor. He was talking to my mom once, and she
said she was going to marry my father, and he said, “But Black people,
they’re closer to the apes than we are!” But when my grandfather met my
father, he fell in love with him. He was running around with a series of
prejudices that didn’t make sense but he thought were true. There’s all
kinds of things like that. But yeah, a lot of racism comes out of your
fears, your bruises, your wounds, and this character needed to hate
somebody. It wasn’t until he fell in love that he was able to question
the need to hate.”
Curious Case of Walter Mosley“I ask Mosley if he would ever write a novel with a
central Jewish character. “Not if he wasn’t black,” he replies. I lift
an eyebrow. “Hardly anybody in America has written about black male
heroes,” he explains. “There are black male protagonists and black male
supporting characters, but nobody else writes about black male heroes.”
Mosley’s self-appointed job is to show these black heroes righting
wrongs and protecting people, all in the name of justice, just like
their white predecessors and contemporaries.”
I Quit the Writers’ Room: The worst thing you can do to citizens of a
democracy is silence them.“The worst thing you can do to citizens of a democratic
nation is to silence them. And the easiest way to silence a woman or a
man is to threaten his or her livelihood. Let’s not accept the
McCarthyism of secret condemnation. Instead let’s delve a little deeper,
limiting the power that can be exerted over our citizens, their attempts
to express their hearts and horrors, and their desire to speak their
truths. Only this can open the dialogue of change.”
Mosley on America’s Obsession with Crime“Fiction, better than reality, gives us heroes who
can’t let us down, who cannot be arrested, convicted, or vilified. Maybe
these stories won’t be able to resolve our dilemmas in the real world,
but they can offer escape through a fantasy where even a common everyday
Joe (or Jane) can be saved. This salvation has always been our goal.
Forgiveness for our sinful desires and secret trysts, for our failures
and broken commandments, for our weakness beside the machine that covers
the world with its cold, gray shadow.”
Authors, Fragile Ideas Need Loving Every Day“Our most precious ability, the knack of creation, is
also our most fleeting resource. What might be fades in the world of
necessity. How can I create when I have to go to work, cook my dinner,
remember what I did wrong to the people who have stopped calling? And
even if I do find a moment here and there – a weekend away in the
mountains, say – how can I say everything I need to say before the world
comes crashing back with all of its sirens and shouts and television
shows?”I know I have a novel in me,” I often hear people say. “But how
can I get it out?” The answer is, always is, every day.”
Book Excerpts
Awkward Black Man“People are so afraid of dying that they don’t even
live the little bit of life they have.”