Phil Klay
Phil Klay is the 2019 Literary Arts Series speaker. He will be speaking Thursday, March 28, 2019 in TEC 128, 1:45-3:00 p.m. This event is co-sponsored by the Center for Peace, Justice, and Reconciliation.
Klay is the author of Redeployment, which won the National
Book Award for Fiction in 2014.Videos of Klay
receiving award
He is the 2018 Hunt Prize winner for outstanding work in
Cultural and Historical Criticism.
He is a graduate of Dartmouth College. In 2005 he was commissioned as a second lieutenant in the U.S. Marine Corps. In January 2007 he deployed to Iraq with the 2nd Marine Logistics Unit (Forward) as a public affairs officer and served overseas for thirteen months, returning in February 2008. He left the Corps in 2009 and attended Hunter College’s M.F.A. Program in Creative Writing, graduating in 2011. In 2015 he became a Hodder Fellow at Princeton University and later taught as a lecturer in Princeton’s Program in Creative Writing.

Guardian ‘Incendiary stories of war’“In my favourite piece,”Prayer in the Furnace”, a
self-examining chaplain berates himself for daring to suggest that some
good would come of suffering. He finds himself “disgusting” and “vile”.
He receives a startlingly beautiful letter from his mentor and writes a
sermon citing Wilfred Owen. He is compassionate, despairing, desperate,
resolved, courageous, cowardly, a foolhardy failure and a dogged success
of a man, all at the same time. Not easy to achieve in 38 pages.
York Times: The Madness of War Told in the First Person“It is these tales, which do not directly try to
address the nature of storytelling, that make the reader most aware of
the tools that memory and art can provide in trying to make sense of the
chaotic experience of war.””
‘Redeployment’ Explores Iraq War’s Physical And Psychic Costs“Here’s an old joke you may have heard:”How many
Vietnam vets does it take to screw in a light bulb?” Answer: “You
wouldn’t know, you weren’t there.”
Journal: A Conversation with Phil Klay“I think we don’t quite know what to make of our wars,
in part because we’re still involved. It seems that after every war we
start to think about what the contract between citizen and soldier is
exactly, what to make of those who serve, and what to make of our
responsibility for the wars fought in our name. There’s plenty that
frustrates me, but there are also a lot of great voices in the
conversation now.”
Atlantic: Two Decades of War Have Eroded the Morale of America’s
Troops“If the courage of young men and women in battle truly
does depend on the nature and quality of our civic society, we should be
very worried. We should expect to see a sickness spreading from our
public life and into the hearts of the men and women who continue to
risk their lives on behalf of a distracted nation. And when we look
closely, that is exactly what we see: a sickness that all the
ritualistic displays of support for our troops at sporting events and
Veterans Day celebrations, and in the halls of Congress, can’t
Essay: The Citizen-Soldier: Moral Risk and the Modern Military“It was somewhat surprising (to me, anyway, and
certainly to my parents) that I wound up in the Marines. I wasn’t from a
military family. My father had served in the Peace Corps, my mother was
working in international medical development. If you’d asked me what I
wanted to do, post-college, I would have told you I wanted to become a
career diplomat, like my maternal grandfather. I had no interest in
going to war.”
American Scholar: Tales of War and Redemption“My boyhood objection to the savagery of the martyrdom
stories, to God’s ultimate silence in the face of suffering and death,
takes on a different light in the wake of such deaths. To anyone with
any kind of experience in war, a story of God saving the good would feel
less like a comfort and more like an indictment. Any soldier can tell
you that no amount of prayer provides security for the defenseless in a
war zone. The good die. The bad die. The combatants die, and the
children die. The old men and the women and the fathers and mothers and
sisters and daughters and sons die. Sometimes, often, they die
New York Times: The Warrior at the Mall“I understand why politicians and writers and
institutions choose to employ the trope of veterans when it comes to
arguing for their causes. Support for our military remains high at a
time when respect for almost every other institution is perilously low,
so pushing a military angle as a wedge makes a certain kind of sense.
But our peacetime institutions are not justified by how they
intermittently intersect with national security concerns — it’s the
other way around. Our military is justified only by the civic life and
values it exists to defend.”
Magazine: Deployment to Iraq changed my view of God, country and
humankind. So did coming home.“Once you move outside the realm of physical force and
into the realm of social power, you move into the realm of uncertainty.
Each action of yours sparks a chain of reactions among the people you
are trying to influence, reactions that all the social science in the
world and all the mapping of nodes of power cannot predict. As Hannah
Arendt points out, “The reason why we are never able to foretell with
certainty the outcome and end of any action is simply that action has no
end…the smallest act in the most limited circumstances bears the seed of
the same boundlessness, because one deed, and sometimes one word,
suffices to change every constellation.”
On Teaching Redeploynment
Guardian: How Veterans Are Using Poetry to Heal“Since 2001, 2.77 million US service members have
served on 5.4m deployments to support American wars, according to an
analysis by the Rand Corporation. An estimated 11% of veterans deployed
to Afghanistan and 20% of those deployed to Iraq have PTSD, according to
the Department of Veterans Affairs.”
Theater of War“Rooted in discussions about the invisible and visible
wounds of war, the company’s hallmark project is designed to increase
awareness of psychological health issues, disseminate information on
available resources, and foster greater community cohesion.”
+ 1: Mogadishu, Baghdad, Troy; or, Heroes Without War“Whenever one compares modern war to ancient war, there
is the danger of arguing for a simple continuity between all forms of
war across history. Warfare is not continuous, however; methods change.
American commentators have already invoked the Mogadishu mutilations
multiple times—in the days and months following the spectacle in
Fallujah—and this analogy, in their hands, has been misleading.”